bilge cleaning & refinishing

Bilges are the mirror that reflects the ‘health’ of a vessel. Sweep Marine specialises in accessing these areas that are quite often neglected, often resulting in catastrophic failures. It is important to service these areas regularly to identify and prevent such failures and a clean white bilge is the first step.

Lady Carla Bilge Refinishing Before & After

Refinishing of bilges helps with identifying potential leaks that could generate major machinery failures. It is also the best form of protection for the integrity of the hull, preventing hull material deterioration in contact with internal contaminants.

Bilge Refinishing Before

bilge cleaning

A full bilge clean is conducted using a high pressure steam cleaner. If needed or if the bilge is to be refinished also, we will dismantle any removable machinery and plumbing to ensure all areas are cleaned.

Bilge Refinishing After

bilge refinishing

If refinishing is required the surfaces will be thoroughly prepped, followed by a high quality primer and finished with a top coat. All machinery and plumbing is then reinstated on the new and shiny surface.

bilge cleaning & refinishing projects